In These Mountains

Preserving & perpetuating folk and traditional arts of Central Appalachia

The Central Appalachian counties of Kentucky, North Carolina, and Tennessee are home to arts, tradition, and culture that is passed from generation to generation.

Launched in 2018, South Arts' In These Mountains initiative preserves and perpetuates the traditional arts and culture of Central Appalachian counties of Kentucky, North Carolina, and Tennessee. Through a series of strategic projects supporting practitioners, arts organizations, and communities, In These Mountains supports the longevity and intergenerational transfer of the cultural traditions that have grown in this unique region. As we learn and grow, we continue to refine how we support the Central Appalachian communities with impactful programming.

Where have we worked?

With programming focused on Appalachian Regional Commission designated counties, In These Mountains has supported work in more than 65 counties across Kentucky, North Carolina, and Tennessee.

A map of the counties in which In These Mountains programming has occurred
Map Current as of June 2022

Inactive Programs

 In addition to the active programming above, South Arts previously offered additional opportunities through In These Mountains.



For questions about any of the In These Mountains initiatives, contact us.

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