- General
What is the minimum and maximum grant request?
The minimum grant request for this program is $500. The maximum grant request is $2,000.
What do you mean by a 2:1 match?
For every $1.00 awarded, the artist must provide a minimum of $.50 in a match. For instance,
An artist receives a $500 grant award. The artists must match this award by providing at least $250 in other funds, resulting in a total career opportunity budget of at least $750.
For a $2,000 IACOG award, the artist must provide at least $1,000 in other funds, for a total career opportunity budget of $3,000.
The match may be the artist’s own funds, other non-South Arts grant awards, or earned income.
Are partial awards made for this grant?
Grants may be awarded at less than full ask dependent on volume of requests received.
When is the application for this grant program due?
The grant application for this program opens July 15 with grant submissions due at 11:59 pm Eastern Time on September 3, 2024.
When should the opportunity take place?
The project period should be between January 1, 2025 and June 30, 2024.
If this is not intended to be a creation fund, where can I find funding help to create my work?
If you are looking for help creating a work, we encourage you to check the offerings from our colleagues at the National Performance Network or Alternate ROOTS. You can check-in with your State Arts Agency and Local Arts Agencies for funding opportunities that may be available for artists at the local level. You can also find a listing of opportunities for visual artists here.
- Eligibility
What opportunities are eligible for this grant?
Different types of opportunities can be funded through this grant program. Most commonly, awards have been used to help an artist participate in an exhibition, festival or artist residency, or travel to show or perform work at an invitational, but awards are not limited to these opportunities. No matter the opportunity, it is incumbent on the artist to make the case in the application that the opportunity will significantly impact and elevate the arc of their career.
Is this a project or creation grant?
While we understand that creation of work is often part of an opportunity, such as for an upcoming exhibition, this grant program is not designed to be a creation fund. Awards will only be made in service of career-defining opportunities.
Can I use this grant to document or promote a project?
Project documentation or promotion are not considered eligible opportunities for this grant. However, project documentation or promotion may be included in the budget under the umbrella of a larger opportunity, such as a national exhibition.
Can I use my award to study with an artist or expand my skillset?
No. Participating in an advanced apprenticeship, paying to study with an artist or participating in a workshop are not eligible opportunities under this grant program.
- Managing My Award
What do I do to accept my award?
If your opportunity is awarded, you will receive an award notification with terms of funding. You must acknowledge receipt of the award notification and agreement to terms in writing in addition to submitting a current W9 and other financial documents.
When do I receive my first grant payment?
75% of your grant award is payable upon acceptance of contract and submission of paperwork.
How do I receive my final grant payment?
Final payment will be made upon your submission and South Arts acceptance of the final report. Please track your expenses and physical receipts to submit with and to complete your final report budget.
When can I fill out my final report?
Final reports are due within 30 days of completing the activity. Please contact the Emmitt Stevenson (estevenson@southarts.org) or Joseph Crawford (jcrawford@southarts.org) for more information.
- Updates & Changes
The timeline for my opportunity has changed. What should I do?
Notify Emmitt Stevenson (estevenson@southarts.org) or Joseph Crawford (jcrawford@southarts.org) in writing immediately to discuss your options. You may be asked to fill out a Grant Change Request form or apply in a future funding cycle for your opportunity.
My opportunity has been cancelled for the foreseeable future. What should I do?
Notify the Emmitt Stevenson (estevenson@southarts.org) or Joseph Crawford (jcrawford@southarts.org) in writing immediately to discuss your options. You may have to rescind your grant for the current funding round.