- General
What is the first step to apply for this program?
After carefully reading the guidelines, interested partnerships must first complete and submit an online Letter of Interest (LOI) form no later than August 1, 2024 at 11:59pm ET.
Which partner needs to submit the LOI?
The LOI should be a collaboration between the two primary partners. However, the LOI should be submitted by the non-profit, tax-exempt partner. This partner should be able to answer questions about the LOI and project. Also, this partner will be the designated party to receive grant funds if awarded a grant.
Do I need an account to submit an LOI?
Yes, LOIs are submitted through our online grants management system which requires setting up an account.
Can I apply for this grant if I’ve received other South Arts or National Endowment for the Arts grants this year?
Yes, you can. However, you cannot match this grant with other South Arts funding or any other federal funding, including the NEA, NEH, or IMLS. You must also be in good standing with South Arts, with no outstanding final reports.
If we received a Cross-Sector Impact Grant in the past, can we apply in this cycle?
Yes, if you have not received three years of Cross-Sector Impact funding. The new application submission must be to continue or further your previously funded project with the same partners (rather than for an entirely new project). Past or returning Cross-Sector Impact grantees do not submit the LOI but will need to submit the full application.
What is the time period for grant activities to take place?
Grant activities must take place between January 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026.
What is the minimum and maximum grant request?
For projects new to Cross-Sector Impact Grants, the minimum grant request is $5,000; the maximum request is $15,000. For projects continuing/returning grantees, the minimum request is $5,000; the maximum request is $10,000.
What if I’m interested in this grant program, but don’t have enough time to prepare an application for this deadline?
Subsequent funding cycles are anticipated, although no firm dates are set. Typically, we offer Cross-Sector Impact Grants once a year.
- Eligibility & Project Design
Can I be a partner in more than one LOI?
No, you may only be a partner in one LOI for this cycle.
Can I use a fiscal sponsor to apply?
No, applicants cannot use fiscal sponsors or agents for this program. However, note that only one of the two partners needs to be a 501(c)3.
Do both partners need to be a 501(c)3?
No, only one partner must be a 501(c)3 or unit of government.
Would organizations whose 501(c)3 paperwork is in process or recently submitted be considered?
No, organizations must have their tax-exempt, 501(c)3 status at the time of their LOI submission.
Can the non-arts partner be an individual?
No, the non-arts partner must be an organization.
Are schools eligible to apply?
Educational pre-school and K-12 schools or institutions are not eligible for this program as one of the partners. However, activities that serve pre-school or K-12 students may be included as project activities. Colleges and universities are eligible as one of the two partners.
Is it correct that arts in education is not a good fit for this program?
That is correct. This program does not support arts in education programming. For this program, we define arts in education as the inclusion of arts learning in mainstream education or to incorporate the arts into the school or class curriculum.
Can both partners be different university departments or campus entities?
No, only one partner may be a university department or campus entity. The other partner must be from outside the university community.
What is a unit of government?
A unit of government is a department or agency within state or local government. This often applies to public universities or municipality managed venues.
Can a local department or unit of a federal agency apply?
No, federal agencies cannot be one of the partnership applicants.
Can we partner with a national park?
No, national parks are governed by branches of the federal government.
What if I have more than two partners for my project?
For this grant program, you are limited to two primary partners. However additional individuals and/or organizations may be involved in the project’s implementation but no grant funds may be given to these additional individuals or organizations. All partners must reside or be located in South Arts’ nine-state region (Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee).
Can the partners be in different South Arts states?
Yes. However, both partners must be permanently based in one of South Arts’ nine states and if the partners are located in different states, rationale must be provided as to why it is necessary to bring a partner from outside the target community.
What does it mean that I need two public-facing activities?
All projects must include at least two virtual or in-person activities. One must be public, meaning that the event is open to and marketed to anyone who wishes to come. This could be an in-person or virtual concert, exhibit, workshop, screening or other event. The second event may also be public or can be for a targeted group/non-public audience such as a business group, university students/faculty, nursing homes, K-12 school students, patients/care providers, etc. At least one of these events must be an educational or community engagement event that provides context or deeper understanding of the arts experience or project. Examples that would meet this requirement include a virtual or in-person master class or workshop, live Q&A and interview with artists or other persons facilitating the project, a demonstration, or a post-event conversation.
Is the creation of an artistic product an eligible expense?
Yes. However, these projects are not intended for the creation of new work as a central element of the project. Work that is created as a secondary outcome or in which community participants are integrally involved in the creative process is allowable.
What qualifies as a temporary public art creation or installation?
For this grant program, a temporary art acquisition or installation should be on display within the grant period, but no more than 18 months. We consider murals to be temporary public art.
Can this grant program fund the installation of a permanent piece of art?
No, permanent installation, including any installation longer than 18 months, is not eligible under this program.
Can you share examples of Cross-Sector projects?
You can visit our website to see examples of past projects that we have supported (be sure to use the filter function). Also, Americans for the Arts has a resource tool that we encourage you to use.
Can you give examples of eligible partnerships?
Two partners are required – one from the arts sector and one from the non-arts sector. Only one partner must have 501(c)(3) status, be a unit of local, county, or state government, or be a federally recognized tribal community. The arts partner can be an individual artist, artist group/ensemble, or an arts organization. The non-arts partner must be an organization. Below are a few examples:
- Two nonprofit organizations – one from the arts sector and one from the non-arts sector
- An individual artist and a nonprofit organization or unit of government from a non-arts sector (including a college or university)
- A nonprofit arts organization or unit of government and an organization from a non-arts sector
Can you give examples of the types of museums that are non-arts?
Typically for Cross-Sector Impact Grants, a humanities-based institution such as a history museum would be considered as the non-arts partner. Depending on the organization’s mission, a heritage museum might also be considered as a non-arts partner.
Can I propose a project working with my own company and my own 501(c)(3) foundation?
No, we consider this a conflict of interest. An applicant will be considered to have a conflict of interest when the partner:
- includes the applicant or the applicant’s spouse, minor, child, partner, or family member;
- serves as an officer, director, trustee, agent, partner, or employee of the applicant/nonprofit organization; and/or
- has a relationship that might compromise the integrity of the project and its use of funds.
Can you elaborate on the educational component?
One of your public-facing events can be an educational event. This can be an activity that provides greater context or deeper understanding of the arts experience/artform/artistic process or community issue.
- Budget
Up to half of the match may be comprised of in-kind contributions such as donated materials, donated services, or other contributed non-cash assets. At least half of the match must be cash and cannot include salaried staff time allocated to this project. However, contracted services specifically for this project may be included in the cash match.
What are in-kind contributions?
In-kind refers to goods or services that have a specific value, but that are provided in lieu of cash. For example, a local art supply store may be a supporter and provide paint for your project at no cost. If the cost in store is $50/can and you receive 20 cans, the in-kind amount would be $1,000. Other in-kind services may include print, broadcast or online advertising; printing; equipment use; meals; etc. Goods/services must be allocated specifically for this project. In-kind contributions should be mirrored in your budget, meaning they should appear as both income and expense.
What does “match” mean?
Match refers to expenses incurred by the partner(s) for the project; the total expenses paid by the partner(s) must equal or exceed the amount of your grant request. 50% of the match can be in-kind; 50% must be cash.
Do I need to have the match on hand in order to apply?
No, you do not need to have the match on hand at the time of application. However, you do need to have a realistic plan for attaining the match at the time of application and will be required to document the match as part of your final report.
Can staff time be used towards the cash match?
For staff time diverted to this project, up to 10% of the total project expenses but no more than $5,000 can be included as a cash expense or cash match for staff time. The remaining staff time must be an in-kind contribution. Contracted individuals and services specifically for this project are eligible cash expenses.
Can I include rent or utilities in my budget?
No, overhead costs cannot be included in the budget for this program. Indirect costs are not eligible. However, rental of a space specifically for this project is an allowable expense.
What if my project budget is greater than $22,500?
You should include your entire project budget in your grant application. This is important in order to accurately represent the entire scope of your project.
Are expenses associated with accessibility allowable?
Yes, costs associated with making the project accessible are allowed. This could include, for example, sign language interpreters, audio description, and open captioning. Foreign language interpretation, though not an accessibility expense in this context, is an allowable expense.
Can you provide the budget template for the LOI?
The LOI budget fields are available in the grant portal. We ask that you provide a basic, itemized budget (income and expenses) for your project.
Can the in-kind donations be from the applying nonprofit organization?
No, in-kind contributions are goods or services that have a specific value, but that are provided to the partners in lieu of cash. An exception is that the applicants’ direct staff time can be considered as an in-kind contribution.
Can the purchase of equipment be included in the project budget?
Generally, no because there are limitations on how federal funds are used. However, equipment rental is an eligible expense.
Do you support indirect costs?
No, this grant does not support indirect costs.
- Letter of Interest
Should I include images or other attachments with my LOI?
No, the LOI must be submitted through our online grants management system and should include only the information requested. Those invited to submit a full application will be required to submit additional support materials at that time.
Can you read my LOI and provide feedback before I submit it?
Unfortunately South Arts cannot read LOIs or review budgets before the deadline. However, we are happy to answer any questions not addressed in these FAQs or the guidelines prior to the deadline.
Who will be reviewing the applications?
The LOIs will be reviewed and evaluated by South Arts staff and/or consultants. Full applications will be reviewed and evaluated by an outside expert peer review panel with the guidance and assistance of South Arts staff.
- Next Steps
How will I know if I am invited to submit a full application?
Partnerships who are invited to submit a full application will receive an email by August 29, 2024 with full instructions on how to submit an application. Please check your “Spam” or “Junk” folders and filters to be sure you can receive emails from grants@southarts.org.
What are the reporting requirements?
All grantees will be required to submit a final report at the end of the grant period. South Arts will provide grantees with final report form and instructions for completing the report which will include information about the funded activities, results/outcomes, participants, and actual expenses.
What help is available from South Arts in developing my project?
For those invited to submit a full application, assistance will be available on a limited basis to assist with program evaluation, grant procedures, and general advice.
When can we expect payment of the grant, if awarded?
Final payments are processed after the completion of the project and receipt of the Final Report Form. You are allowed to request an advance payment, up to 75% of your total grant amount. To do so, you must submit a written request at least 30 days prior to the project start date. The request should be on your organization’s letterhead with a signature and state the reason an advance payment is needed. Please allow 30 – 60 days for all grant payments.