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Stacey Wilson

Leaders of Color Fellowship

A woman looking into the camera

Recipient Information


Meridian, Mississippi

Year of Award


Grant or Fellowship

Leaders of Color Fellowship

Grant Amount


Stacey Wilson
Curator of Exhibitions, Mississippi Arts + Entertainment Experience

Stacey Wilson-Curator, Project Manager, Exhibition Designer, and sometimes Artist. Wilson is the Curator of Exhibitions for the Mississippi Arts + Entertainment Experience and has held multiple roles in this position. In the beginning she was an Exhibit Designer brought on as a Project Manager to coordinate a 14 million dollar 6,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art permanent exhibition. Now she is the Curator responsible for overseeing the maintenance and future development of said exhibition as well as organizing the changing exhibitions. All of that hard work paid off when Wilson received the SEMC Emerging Museum Professionals award in 2019.
 Wilson loves history. She earned a M.A. and B.A. in history, with a concentration in Public History from Texas State University-San Marcos and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, respectively. Her studies focused on antebellum Louisiana and she previously worked as an interpreter at Destrehan Plantation. Portraying a free woman of color and a slave, she has presented laundry, indigo dyeing, and tignon tying demonstrations. Her tignon tying demonstration has transformed into a lecture delving into the history of headwraps and their meaning in early Louisiana history. Formerly, she was the Curator of Exhibitions/Lead Designer at the Louisiana State Museum.